Barely three days after the alleged crashed of the Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox popularly known as MMM, another Ponzi scheme has surfaced in Nigeria. Members of the famous money-doubling scheme, MMM were thrown into panic and great confusion on Tuesday, following the message from the ponzi scheme freezing all confirmed Mavros, otherwise known as money due for withdrawal for one month. NNN is a community of ordinary people, selflessly helping each other, a kind of mutual aid. This is the first sprout of something new in modern soulless and ruthless world of greed and hard cash. The goal here is not the money. The goal is to ACQUIRE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, a statement on the NNN website reads. The website is modeled after MMM Nigeria but while MMM promised 30% on investment, NNN promises 35%. According to the website, NNN is owned by the participants, its a community by the people and for the people. A team of freedom lovers in America headed by an influential Yoruba man came up with a l...
May God have mercy on the souls of this brave police me and other casualties that died in the course of this election, may their souls rest in peace
ReplyDeleteThe day Nigeria will realise that democracy is not war that is the day all this killing for power will stop
ReplyDeleteThey should Ban Rivers totally from participating in any Nig election and declare solid state of emergency in the Godam state ........
ReplyDeleteThat action will be too extreme and it will not affect the perpetrators of the killing but rather the innocent market women in the state, Rivers state need God's intervention
DeleteThat is your own opinion I still maintain my stand what Rivers state needs is state of emergency, see the numbers of people that died just because of election